In his spare time, Henry has been working directly with Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia to produce the followup special to Decorating your Jail Cell, which will be titled Decorating your Hospital Room. We've had a lot of fun adding stuff to the walls to make it feel fun, and have had a lot of help from friends and family. Apologies to those of you on dial-up, as this will take you a while to download. (Honestly, are you that much of a cheap-skate?)
Henry misses Anna and Sophie, so we added these to their room so that we can talk to them during the day.

This is our Lightening McQueen wall, which everyone who comes in the room loves.

This banner was sent to us by a Girl Scout Troop in Kansas. Thanks, girls!

This is the biggest (and loudest) bunch of balloons I've ever seen in my life.

These were sent by the billing department at Tri-State. They always send something for the walls.

Henry has decided to forgo nursing school, and instead wants to be a trash collector. He graciously informed his Grandma Linda that she can ride on the back. He's really enjoyed this poster, with him driving, and Grandma as sidekick.

We're hoping Henry will have a better day tomorrow. It will still be several days before his white blood cells are at the detectable range. In the meantime, there's lots of things in his room to make him smile.
Hey cutie!
Nicesite here! Really keep up the awesome work!
What a fabulous job disguising a hospital room as an art exhibit. Where'd you hook up with those Girl Scouts? Surrounded by visual love!
Love what you've done with your room Henry! You are truly loved.
Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
I love the decor! Take care.
Henry and family, Glad you made the right decision to not become a nurse, and pursue Sanitation Expert. Sounds like a rewarding profession.
If that doesn't work out, interior design is always a great fall back career.
Sorry that all those nasty side effects are catching up with you. You have every right to be grumpy and crabby.
Keep on Cruckin'
Nurse Nance, who loves her profession but is always happy to steer others in new directions
Great room Henry! We loved seeing all of your pictures - thanks for sharing. We're all fans of the Cars Movie too - so we liked those pictures a lot. Wonderful idea! Sending lots and lots of hugs your way!
Julie, Brad, Patrick, Andrew & Samantha
Thanks so much Tara and Bryan for sharing Henry's world with us. Its time consuming and, I am sure, a bit painful. His room has so much personality! I just love the pictures of his sisters. And so LIFE LIKE!!
Hopefully, you'll feel better soon and can draw so much pictures!
Love, Ms. T
Just wanted to say, I just caught my typo! I meant to say 'some more pictures!'.
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