Friday, December 19, 2008

Golden Days

I just laid Henry down to sleep tonight. We've been so thrilled at his energy of late that he's not only kept us busy, but it's been difficult to find the time to write before reaching the point of exhaustion. There are little bits of sweetness scattered among the routine events of the day, but today was such a quintessential Henry day that I felt I had to sit down to record it.

We started off pretty slow, playing on the floor with his matchbox car raceway. This is one of those toys that anyone can enjoy, like a modern day Rube Goldberg Machine. It provides hours of fun for the kids of all ages in our house (read - me too!). Henry and I began discussing the rest of the day. His regular weekly time at the Little Gym was today and we'd been wanting a mutual hair cutting. He suggested then that Grandma Linda, who he knows loves her coffee, could get a cup at the shop next door to the barber.

So that's just what we did. Henry got his hair cut for the first time since he turned three, sitting right next to me in the barber shop. It may seem silly, but it was such a moment of pride for me. He sat incredibly still, conversed with the barber, and received two lollipops for his efforts. We joined Grandma Linda for coffee and chocolate milk for a time while we awaited our time at the Little Gym. After imbibing we strolled down under the awning to avoid the rain. Henry had recalled earlier in the day that the awning existed and before even leaving the house, suggested that we would not need an umbrella. He had the whole thing very well planned out.

His time at the Little Gym was typical of his recent visits. He yelled, jumped, became adventurous with only a little prodding and had the time of his life just being four. Afterward, although cold to the bone for the incessant rain, we made our way over to Chick-fil-a. A day with Henry just wouldn't be complete otherwise. I ran a quick errand while he and his Grandmother had a nice lunch to complete our morning's adventure.

We got home and had plans for a nice quiet time before the girls and their whirlwind of papers and bags came in the door from school. I had forgotten a promise to get him over to his old daycare for a time. Before our coats were even off, we packed back into the car and dropped by for a mini reunion with his little friends and far-too-kind teachers. They'd shopped for little painting projects for him. He gave them all sweet hugs and then we proceeded to play and watch their Christmas train for a while. I tried to talk him into leaving to get the girls off the bus but, to my surprise, he opted to stay and play.

I retrieved him after about an hour of what was described to me as a pretty good time and which included painting, snack and some Thomas the Tank Engine trains. We came home and elected to exchange our Christmas presents with Grandma Linda after which we had a pretty quick but yummy dinner, Henry eating primarily the Chex Mix that he and Grandma had made. This mixture, by Henry's account, is 'the best'. Although each present he opened elicited a "that's just what I wanted" (ever the gentleman), the hit of the evening had to be the gum ball machine. Thank you Grandma!

So it was a long but fun filled day, very representative, in its parts, of all of our recent golden days. Busy and fun times, filled with bits of the preciousness which are Henry's looks and quips, his growing maturity coming through in unexpected ways, and us trying to take it in its fullness.


Anonymous said...

It sure sounds like a wonderful day, in spite of the cold, dreary rain. It warms my heart to hear how much Henry is enjoying life - being able to enjoy the simple things like a haircut and having a blast at the gym. Glad you fit Chick-fil-a in there too because it sounds like the day wouldn't have been complete otherwise. Sharing an evening with presents and Grandma Linda sounds like fun. Merry Christmas to all of you!

Love, Julie, Brad, Patrick, Andrew and Samantha

Anonymous said...

Thanx for sharing your golden day with us.
Gumball machine sounds like a blast


Anonymous said...

I had the pleasure of running into Henry and his Grandmother at Chick Filet yesterday. I told Henry that I went to school with his mommy and daddy and that must have given him the ok to talk to me. He told me about cutting down the Christmas tree when I told him I had seen him in his Santa hat at the tree farm. And he was quite proud of the fact that he got to put the star on the tree and it almost touches the ceiling! And he's sure that Santa will bring him something (he didn't really seem to care what), as long as he goes to bed! It was a wonderful little chat! No wonder you are so proud of such an outstanding little guy!

I wish you ALL the VERY MERRIEST of Christmas and a continued ability to take great joy in the every day!

Julie Routzahn
And family

Michelle said...

Oh Henry, so glad you had a chance to go back and play with your friends at the day care!! I bet they were sooo glad to see you!

Merry Christmas to the Scheck family!
Michelle in VT

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Thank you for taking time to makes so many of us smile when we hear Henry is doing so well and enjoying the holidays. May Santa be good to each of you!

Cousins Susan, Kendall and Cody H.

Michelle said...

I sure wish Henry was here in Vermont... it is a wonderful winter wonderland up here, and I know he would love the snow!

Anonymous said...

Henry -

I was so happy to see you at preschool!! I told Mommy that Isabelle and I had fun making your Daddy laugh :)!

Merry Christmas,