Saturday, November 15, 2008

ER Visit Tonight

Tara and Henry just left for the Hopkins Emergency Room tonight as after a couple hours of rest, Henry began coughing. This concerned Tara and I enough to decide that we didn't want to wait until the morning. I'm staying at home with the girls until the morning then meeting them down in Baltimore.

True to form, I told Henry and he was his little trusting self. He gave me a thumbs up as they were leaving.


Anonymous said...

Dear Bryan,
I saw that you and Anna had to leave early tonight from the soccer celebration. I always pray that everything is okay when you have to leave. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on the website. Henry is such a trooper and he also has a strong Mom and Dad and sisters who are there to support him. Take care and please keep us up to date the best that you can. We love you guys!!
Gina,Craig,Carinna and Corey Householder ..

Anonymous said...

Thx for the update Bryan-hope it's a quick stay with fast relief for Henry's swelling.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for all of you.

rlbates said...

You remain in my thoughts and prayers.