What a day. We have been blown away.
But before we get to the nitty gritty, here's a bit of the fun we had!
Our encouragement to customers.
Once the sale died down, the girls took the show on the road and came home with $50 after they were sent out with two pitchers of lemonade. That's some selling!!
On to the haul:
Right now our totals are in a bit of a state of flux, but here's what we've got.
Pledges online: $1130
Pledges offline: $1400
Cash made today from the yard sale: $370
Cash made today for selling lemonade: $568
Number of cups of lemonade sold: 200
Money owed based on per-cup pledges: $700
Wow!!!! $4168!!
We had a fabulous day. The kids all really got into things.
Thank you all, for all of your support. Thank you to our friends who drove 90 minutes to get here for a cup of lemonade. Thank you to the many yard salers we don't know, some of whom dropped in a $20 without thinking, for a glass of lemonade. Thank you to our neighbors, friends, coworkers, teachers, who took time out of a much needed day off to stop by and support us. Thank you to our neighbors who directed traffic our way. Thank you to the neighborhood gang for chasing people down screaming "Lemonade!!" Thank you to those who pledged online, and those who sent us checks.
Here's to Alex!!
WOW!!!! Congrats guys on a job well done! Way to go!
Happy July 4th!
Love, Julie, Brad, Patrick, Andrew and Samantha
WOW! Glad to hear that you had such a great day! Can't wait to see you all next week!
Love, Karen
Congrats to Team Scheck!
UNBELIEVABLE!! That is just awesome! So glad it was a big success. Love the pictures!
Cousin Susan H.
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