We are absolutely thrilled with our Alex's Lemonade Stand response! What a fabulous group of people we have in our corner.
So, you all have made us kick it up a notch. We've already tickled our original goal of raising $1000, and we haven't made a cup of lemonade yet!
The new Scheck family fundraising goal is now $2000.
Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed. Our yard sale is July 4th, and those who donate per cup will receive notification of the total that is owed after the big day.
Don't forget, if you haven't gotten the chance to donate or pledge yet, there's still time! Click here to donate, or email Bryan at bryanscheck@gmail.com to pledge.
Thanks again!
hi henry!!!
Sorry to hear about all the stuff you are going thru Cuz. Hope you are all better soon.
cousin Cody Herren
Dear Henry and Family:
A great and easy way to help!! I think your new goal will be reached too! Here is to a good week!
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