Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Henry's First Soccer Practice

Last night Henry had his first soccer practice. This was one of those moments that I've enjoyed with both Anna and Sophie and had looked forward to with Henry for a long time. I almost burst with pride seeing him in his getup and rapping his knuckles on his shin guards and asking his sisters to do the same.

He was a bit tentative at practice but enjoyed it after he loosened up a bit. I'd volunteered to help as I figured I'd be out there anyway with him. He responded better once I started helping all the kids. He's slower and less coordinated than the other kids, also younger than most, but he had a good time and none of those things bothered him at all. I was proud of him for listening to the coach and following the instructions - not an easy task with 8 little friends distracting you!

Afterward we slogged over to the 'Creamery', a local ice cream shop. As luck would have it the entire fire company was pulling out of their nearby station and he about came out of his skin. "Daddy, daddy, daddy, look - over there, the firetrucks." Then to call Sophie and Anna, in what I can only assume were his most efficient words possible - "SISTERS! LOOK!" I almost fell off the bench laughing. A good start to Henry's soccer season.


Anonymous said...

Henry you look really cool in your soccer gear! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Zeb wanted to come and watch you practice :)


rlbates said...

I hope he has a great season.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Good for you, little Henry! You look great in your soccer uniform. Looks like new cleats? New shorts? WOW.

Keep on practicing but most importantly, have FUN!

Ms. T

Anonymous said...

What a handsome guy!! Good luck with soccer and have fun.
Linda and Val

Anonymous said...

You look like a pro Henry! Hope you have lots of fun with soccer!

Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

He was looking forward to donning the shin guards - made no mention of the actual game.

I'm sure that is typical.

He looks so proud and happy.

You GO Henry!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute kid you have there!
Thanks for sharing and so glad he is able to participate!
We miss you guys! Hope we can see you all in 2009!

Cousin Susan H.

Anonymous said...

What a great looking soccer player!
Henry, be sure to take it easy on your Dad!

Unknown said...

go henry go!