Friday, March 12, 2010

Some Updates

There have been several things I've been meaning to share here recently.

  • Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation asked a while back (sometime last year) if they could use Henry's image in their Annual Report.  It's come out and while not in hardcopy, they did distribute it as a PDF.  Here is the page with Henry.

(click image to see large version)

  • The Believe in Tomorrow folks that do the Port-to-Fort (Sunday 4/25) wrote a note to some of last year's participants to ask a few questions.  We were privileged to do so and our 'Life is Fragile, Love is Not' team features in their March eNewsletter
  • Some of you have asked if we'll have a team t-shirt this year.  I'm on it, but just a little slower.  Check back soon and I'm hoping to have something for us to wear.  I'm thinking of something special for the little participants too.
Finally, I have to thank you again for the support you've given to our family, particularly over the past year.  We look forward to seeing you at the Port to Fort walking or running with Team: Life is Fragile, Love is Not.



teresa said...

Wow,what a lovely testimony to little Henry. I would like a hard copy of that, if possible? During this time of year I find myself really missing him:<

However, the Dumpe's will be supporting Life is Fragile, Love is Not Team at the Port to Fort.

Granya said...

These pictures of Henry are such positive reminders of the way he was during his diagnosis and treatments.
What a courageous HERO!!!

It is our pleasure to "walk" with you on this journey, always remembering Life Is Fragile, Love Is Not.

Anonymous said...

Hoping to make it to Baltimore for the walk. If not, we will be there in spirit and thinking of all of you.